Why Buy IP Hospitality Phones?

IP hospitality phones are becoming increasingly popular with hoteliers. At Hotel Technology International Limited, we have vast experience of providing the hospitality industry with the very latest in guest room technology.

With more hotels adopting IP hospitality phones as standard, we look at some key considerations to be taken into account before upgrading your hotel room phones to an IP model.

A Cost-Effective Long-Term Solution

IP Phones connect to your phone service via the inernet using an ethernet cable or WiFI connection. This obviously provides cost-savings once the infrastructure is in place, given that after the initial investment of switching from analogue to IP, charges will be based only on bandwidth usage.  From a user’s perspective IP phones have the same functionality and work in the same way as analogue phones which makes the cost benefits of switching to an IP system attractive to hospitality professionals.

ACEV6000IPHotel Phone (formerly Vivo6000IP)
ACE V6000IP Hospitality Phone
ACE V6500IP phone
ACE V6500IP Hospitality Phone
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