Contemporary Trimline Phones for Hospitality


Trimline Phones from Cotell, ACE, Vtech, Teledex and Telematrix are designed with hospitality in mind.


ACE1066IP hotel phone
ACE Slim IP Trimline
ACe Zeppa Micro Corded Hotel Phone
ACE Zeppa Micro Trimline Phone
ACE V2000 IP Hotel Bathroom/Lobby Phone
ACE 2000IP Hotel Bathroom Phone
Teledex E Series Phone
Teledex E-Series Phones
Fuego Slimstation IP Hotel Bathroom Phone Hotel Technology International
SlimStation Trimline Phone
Vivo Vega White Bathroom Phone
ACE Vega White Trimline
Hotel Technology International Cotell Slim Hotel Phone
SmartStation SL Trimline Phone
ACE Nordic Hotel Bathroom Phone
Telematrix 9600 Series
Vivo 658 Analogue Bathroom Phone
V658A Trimline Phone
V7000IP WiFi cordless hospitality phone
V7000 IPW Cordless Wifi Trimline
ACE Caspian Hotel Bathroom phone
ACE Caspian Hotel Bathroom Phone
Vivo Vega Bathroom Phone
ACE Vega Trimline Phone
Vtech Trimline Phones

Quote Request Trimline Phones

Contemporary Trimline Phones Remain a Mark of Luxury

Trimline phones remain a mark of luxury for discerning travellers. We’ve put together a selection of popular trimline phones that look good in hotel bathrooms, or as hotel lobby phones or as a guestroom trimline phone. 

These top quality trimline phones are approved by many of the major hotel chains. If you need help choosing the right trimline phone for your hotel, please contact a member of our sales team who will be happy to provide advice based on years of experience in delivering trimline phones to hotels.


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